Got an activation in right before 2400 UTC with the deer!

It had been a week since I had been able to activate a park…

Even though I had to work till nearly 22:30UTC (5:30 PM local time) in the machine shop, I finally just put a radio in the truck and went to my local park K-2169. I get there just before dark and hurriedly put up the 20 meter ham stick and I ran out the 20 meter radial I have been using lately and also ran out the two 30 meter radials as well as I had planned to hop on 30 later if 20 didn’t do any good.

I get on the air and it is dark enough that I cant easily see the logbook now so I setup my pocket flash light in the truck for a lamp to work by for the duration of the activation. If you look in the above photo, you can see it wedged in the seat on the other side of the center arm rest. By pointing it at the ceiling, the light would bounce back down and be a nice soft light that was easy to use for the activation. This is an old photography trick I learned a long time ago for using lights with people in photos.

I sat in the truck since it was in the 40s at this point as well. I did plan ahead and I ran the heater wide open while I was setting up the antenna so the cab would be good and warm when I shut down the truck engine so I could hear easier and to also eliminate any possible alternator whine or computer RFI that might be coming from the truck electronics.

With the sun setting fast I wondered if 20 meters would hold up long enough to secure the activation. Well, it did hold up just fine and then some. In fact it held up so well that I never changed over to 30 meters. I started on FT8 while I was getting my logbook ready in the HAMRS app on my phone and my spot on the POTA website and such. I normally don’t have much luck if I start on FT8 for some reason so today wasn’t any different. I made one QSO, yeah… one in like ten minutes. So then I moved over to CW and things immediately picked up.  It was awesome as I had a run of about 15 contacts in about that many minutes. I like these kinds of rates where it is manageable and basically as soon as I finish one QSO another calls in to start, sometimes there will be a small “pileup” of sorts where two or three might call at once but that is usually all.

So with the activation officially secured I moved back over to FT8. I really wanted to work this mode some to see how it would perform with the new software compare to the version 2 software. This time things went better as it has happened the last few activations too. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it is probably because I am spotted on the POTA site at this point and most of the QSOs are POTA contacts instead of just people answering my CQ calls. As for the version 3 software, I love the new interface and functionality too. It works a lot better than the version 2 software did and it is easier to use as well. I also really like the native interface over the web GUI version. The GTK (I think this is what he calls it) seems to run smoother than the web version for me. It is also easier to adjust controls too as you simply touch them and the multi-function knob now controls that function. The auto logging function is still a little buggy in that it doesn’t seem to auto-log each QSO, but it isn’t a problem for me as I log them manually anyway too. I figure this will get solved in an update at some point so I dont worry about it for now.

Once I finished the activation, I go out of the truck and find all sorts of stuff that I don’t get to see if I leave before dark. This is the frisbee golf course at the park and I am in a remote parking lot that serves this course, well the park has an abundance of deer in it and apparently they were about to have a meeting or something because they were all around me when I lit up the tree line with my flash light! I also saw that the moon was really interesting so I grabbed a photo of that while I was at it to share with all of you as well. Note that this is done on my iPhone too, this thing has some sort of lowlight mode and does this long exposure trick to get good photos in poor light. I was impressed. You can see me hamstick in the corner of the photo too…haha.

So, with 30 QSOs in the log, I called it quits before the UTC day rolled over and packed it all up and went home. Thanks for following along and I look forward to sharing the next one!